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Úterý, 01.Duben 2003 WHO 

WHO vyzývá země OSN, aby poskytly prostředky k zajištění základní zdravotní a humanitární péče o irácké civilisty. WHO vidí svoji roli jako zásadní v zajištění ochrany zdraví Iráčanů. Proto je jednou z jejích aktivit snaha získat dostatečné množství peněz. Potřebná částka je vyčíslena na 15 milionů USD, které by umožnily posílení již existujících, ale také zřízení nových středisek nezbytné pomoci v zemích sousedících i Irákem, která by poskytovala základní pomoc lidem postiženým konfliktem.
Bez potřebného finančního krytí není WHO schopna zajistit potřeby, jako jsou základní léky a organizování lidské pomoci na velkém území Iráku.

Originální text:
Press Release WHO/7
Cairo and Copenhagen, 27 March 2003


The World Health Organization (WHO) now has a critical role to play in protecting the health of Iraq's people. That money is urgently needed to
strengthen its existing offices and open new emergency assistance stations in the countries surrounding Iraq, to provide essential medicines to people affected by the conflict, and to support the work of Ministries of Health, other United Nations agencies and nongovernmental organizations as they seek to maintain the health of civilians affected by the conflict. Funds are
also needed to address the urgent humanitarian needs of the vulnerable populations within the boundaries of Iraq.

"We ask donor countries for their urgent support. Without it, the number of lives lost and the suffering of Iraqi civilians will undoubtedly be much greater. The international humanitarian community must work together to limit civilian suffering in this time of conflict," said WHO
Director-General Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland.

WHO is coordinating the United Nations system's action for health in this emergency. It has already strengthened its operations in existing
offices, such as those in Cairo, Egypt; Amman, Jordan; Damascus, Syria; Tehran, Iran; and Ankara, Turkey. Additionally, WHO has established along with the UN system an office in Larnaka, Cyprus; the regional base for all the UN humanitarian agencies active in Iraq. It has strengthened field operations at points along Iraq's border with Iran, Jordan, Syria and Turkey.

"But without additional funding, we will be unable to respond to people's needs; to purchase essential medicines, to put sufficient staff in
place, and coordinate an efficient health-sector response across the vast geographical areas and numbers of organizations involved with the
humanitarian consequences of this conflict," added Dr Brundtland.

For further information, journalists can contact Iain Simpson, WHO, Geneva.
Telephone +4179 475 5534,
E-mail simpsoni@who.int
All WHO Press Releases,
Fact Sheets and Features as well as other information on this subject can be obtained on Internet on the WHO home page http://www.who.int/.
OR Journalists can contact Fadela Chaib, WHO spokesperson for Iraq crisis, Amman, Jordan (for the Regional Office). Telephone +4179 475 5556,
E-mail:chaibf@who.int and The press and Public Relation
Office, WHO/EMRO; Telephone: 202 2765020; Fax: 202 6702492/4;
pio@emro.who.int .
All EMRO Press Releases, Fact Sheets and Features as well as other information on this subject can be obtained on Internet on the EMRO home page.

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  Související odkazy
 Více z Tématu - WHO