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Středa, 02.Duben 2003 WHO 

WHO vyzývá všechny zúčastněné strany v Iráckém konfliktu, aby dodržovaly mezinárodní humanitární zákony, které chrání civilisty, lékaře, ošetřovatele, ostatní humanitární pracovníky a zařízení, která ke své činnosti používají. Podle WHO musí být civilní obyvatelstvo a humanitární pracovníci považováni za neutrální a nikoli za podléhající konfliktu. Je nezbytné, aby všechny strany zúčastněné v konfliktu respektovaly neutralitu zdravotnického personálu, humanitárních pracovníků a civilistů, se kterými se setkají v konfliktu – před bojem, v boji a po boji.

Pozn. red.: základy takového chování již byly stanoveny Ženevskou konvencí v roce 1864

Originální text:

Press Release WHO/8
Cairo and Copenhagen, 27 March 2003


The World Health Organization (WHO) has today called on all parties to the conflict in Iraq and surrounding countries to fully adhere to and
implement the applicable rules of international humanitarian law protecting civilians, as well as medical, nursing and other humanitarian personnel, and the medical and humanitarian facilities they use.

All civilians and humanitarian personnel must be regarded as neutral and not subjected to attack, said WHO. "Medical and humanitarian staff are in
Iraq and neighbouring countries to help civilians receive the medical and other vital support they need. They give help equally to all who ask and must remain beyond the pale of the conflict which has just begun. I call on all WHO Member States to avoid any and all attacks directed at health
personnel, especially those that impede the ability of such personnel to carry out their humanitarian function during this armed conflict," said WHO Director-General Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland.

Dr Brundtland made reference to World Health Assembly Resolutions WHA55.13 and WHA46.39, adopted unanimously by WHO's Member States, by which Member States, United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations and
nongovernmental organizations are urged to promote actions that ensure the safety of health personnel and to ensure that ambulances, other medical vehicles, health facilities and other structures which facilitate the work of health personnel are used for medical personnel only.

"It is imperative that all parties respect the neutrality of medical and humanitarian staff and the civilians caught up in this conflict, before,
during and after the fighting," said Dr Brundtland.

For further information, journalists can contact Iain Simpson, WHO, Geneva.
Telephone +4179 475 5534,
E-mail: simpsoni@who.int.
All WHO Press Releases,Fact Sheets and Features as well as other information on this subject
can be obtained on Internet on the WHO home page http://www.who.int/.
OR Journalists can contact Fadela Chaib, WHO spokesperson for Iraq crisis, Amman, Jordan (for the Regional Office). Telephone +4179 475 5556,
E-mail: chaibf@who.int and The press and Public Relation
Office, WHO/EMRO; Tel: 202 2765020; Fax:202 6702492/4; pio@emro.who.int.
All EMRO Press Releases, Fact Sheets and Features as well as other information on this subject can be obtained on Internet on the EMRO home
page .

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  Související odkazy
 Více z Tématu - WHO